APN Settings Fix for Jailbreak iPhone iOS 5 Beta 7
There’s quite some bad news for those who had recently updated their iPhone’s iOS to iOS 5 Beta 7, which happens to be the latest build released by Apple to all the developers to test. The bad news is with the latest build, changing the APN settings or Access Point Name settings to activate your GPRS or EDGE has been disabled (not knowing Apple’s reason so far). But thanks to some of the developers who suggested and found a workaround to resolve the APN settings problem. Basically the alternative solution is for the end-user to create a customized APN profile for your iPhone. The original location where you can update or edit your iPhone’s APN settings is by going through Settings -> General -> Network, unfortunately this is no longer available with iOS 5 Beta 7 release.
The application released by BENM.AT is called MobileConfig Generator which gives or provides the iPhone user to create their own presets or custom configuration for their iDevice. But before you proceed, you must get your APN settings from your service provider or TELCO because it will be needed during the process.
Here’s how to alter your iPhone’s APN settings. First, open your iPhone’s Safari browser and go to the site HELP.BENM.AT. Then you need to look and tap for Tethering which can be found under Features. Once you’re done, you need to tap on the Create Your Own. This time as I have mentioned, you’ll need to put here your service provider’s appropriate APN settings and after you’re done typing the corresponding APN settings you can now download the custom configuration setup. After downloading it, you need to install the new configuration on your iPhone.
Basically that’s it, you just need to restart your iPhone and ensure that your device’s DATA is turned on to see the changes working (To turn your iPhone’s DATA on, go to Settings -> General -> Network).
[Source: BENM.AT]