Facebook Timeline Is Now Compulsory – Have You Checked Your Privacy Configuration?
As part of moving forward, Facebook Timeline will be compulsory to all users starting this week August 08. Are you sure that you have secured your profile page?
As part of moving forward, Facebook Timeline will be compulsory to all users starting this week August 08. Are you sure that you have secured your profile page?
Facebook Timeline – some users loved it, some just wanted to be updated but there are still some who hated this change so much and wanted to removed it after…
I see Facebook users, some were my friends and some were acquaintances, who doesn’t like the latest Facebook Timeline update from the said social-networking company and are now seeking on…
Finally, Facebook for Apple iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, and , iPod Touch) gets the latest update since October 2011. The last Facebook for iPhone or iOS devices was released last…
Here’s how to make your own timeline cover photo for your Facebook profile page. A simple steps to customize your Facebook profile.
Yesterday, I posted an article about Facebook Timeline which will be the next face of your profile page. Unfortunately, this is not yet enabled by default. But if you visit…