T-Mobile UK recently announced from their website the availability of Apple’s sixth generation iPhone 5 which was unveiled last week, September 12, in the Apple event. One of the known mobile operators, T-Mobile, in the UK is now offering the new smartphone from Apple for as low as £36 per month if you avail their Full Monty Plan. You can choose either one of the new iPhone 5 models – 16GB, 32GB and 64GB. Let’s say you want to pre-order the £36 plan, you will get 2000 Unlimited T-Mobile calls, Unlimited SMS messages, and Unlimited Internet.
Although, you need to cash-out for whatever plan you get from T-Mobile. And below is the list of the Full Monty Plans that ranges from £36, £41, £46, and £61. The package for each plan is the all the same, they only differ in the upfront phone cost. However, since it is recently reported that Apple’s new sixth generation iPhone 5 is currently out of stock, T-Mobile says from their website that if you pre-order now from their online shop there’s no guarantee when will it be delivered to you. The text from their website says that they will send it straight to you once stock is available.
You also need to take it into consideration that when you pre-order from T-Mobile, the bundle doesn’t include WiFi and also that Unlimited Internet will not include tethering.
For more information about T-Mobile UK’s sixth generation iPhone 5 offers, check out their online iPhone 5 shop.
i have ordered one for me and hopping to get it as fast possible..!!!!