Finally, you’ve admitted that you’re a certified addict and you wanted to break out from that chain asking yourself now – How do I quit smoking? I am telling you based on my own experience – there’s no shortcut if you wanted to get rid from this habit. It takes a lot of will power and you have to prepare both your body and mind just to get out. A person should determine his own personal goal, reasons for quitting, and avoidance to all the possible temptations that may hinder him from smoking cessation. A single stick of cigarette contains nicotine, an addictive drug which makes it difficult for someone to stop the habit, but it’s not impossible to quit.
I guess you already tried all sorts of means to stop from the simplest to extreme actions such as admitting yourself to some rehabilitation clinics or joining to forum sessions. Others wanted to do it by themselves by starting to limit their daily dosage of cigarettes. Some other people have tried special medication and the most popular nowadays are the so-called e-Cigarettes – also known as electronic cigarette or personal vaporizer. This gadget is a battery powered cigarette that is said to contain non-nicotine substance but still works like the real thing. A set of this is widely available in most known malls in the metro and this range from Php 500.00 to more than a thousand pesos. However, like any other methods it does not guarantee a person to quit the bad habit.
So if you don’t want to spend more and more to aid your self-rehab cessation, Android can help you – again, any method will not succeed if there’s no will power and you have not set your body and mind to reach your goals.
Here’s a list of Top 3 FREE Android applications that you may want to consider to try and call them as your personal doctors. They are ranked according to popularity (as of today) and the best thing about it is they’re free and all you have to do is install the application to your smartphone powered by Android:
QuitNow! (EAGIN Software) – This is the current most popular Android application that aims to help the user to quit smoking. Some of the features of this application are as follows:
- Days without smoking
- Cigarettes not smoked
- Money saved
- Time saved
- 9 Aspects of your health that you will see gradually improved
- Tips for quitting
- Facts about snuff
- Achievements to unlock and share with your friends! (Twitter integration in donate version)
- Widget to see your progress
- Gallery
- Share your progress
Quit smoking with mySmokLog (HD Software) – This is the next popular application that enables you to monitor your smoking patterns and help you to quit smoking. It gives you three main features:
- 3 modes: smoke free, D-Day and monitor
- Smoking logs and schedule
- targets & wish list
Quit Smoking (Luis Salcedo) – Now if you’re someone who values the importance of saving money but you’re too blinded or basically you opted to ignore it for the sake of your bad habit – I guess this one is for you. The third on our list, where it shows you how much money and time you actually saved from avoiding your vice.
There are other popular free Android applications available in the Android Market which may be suitable to your likings but there’s one thing that I would like to reiterate, nothing or no one can really guarantee you that these options will ever work IF you don’t have the will to change and break from the chain.
The question now, are you willing to let go of your vice?
Good luck! 🙂
[Source: Android Market]