IAS or Indian Administrative Services, formerly known as the Imperial Civil Service is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission. It is one of the most coveted and toughest exams in India. As one is already aware about the extremely high competition level, aspirants must not limit their preparation to just certain books. Candidates preparing for IAS 2018 are always bereft regarding the preparation of the exam and the sources. So, to save you the dilemma and anxiety, we have curated the best online platforms to help you prepare exceptionally well for IAS exam.
- ClearIAS
It is one of most sought-after IAS preparation apps. It functions well and provides an online mock test, a beginner’s guide along with prelims and mains tests as well as ClearIAS notes. It is a hassle-free app which can be accessed at any point and on the move. It also provides topper’s interviews and is an android app now.
- Online Tyari
It is one of the leading online mobile apps as well as website platforms which help candidates aspiring for different competitive exams to prepare well. It collaborates with renowned coaching institutes, publishers as well as tutors to provide the latest study materials to the candidates.
- Unacademy
It is India’s largest free education initiative. It was started with the purpose of making high-quality educational videos for everyone and to make education accessible to all. It has an android app available now.
- Civilsdaily
It ranks as the best site for GK and current affairs preparation for IAS examinations. It provides news and bytes in a simplified manner which has reader accessibility. They publish regular flashcards and compile them on their website under various topics. There is an app available now as well.
- Pratyogita Darpan
It is one of widely used magazines, which IAS and UPSC students use to prepare as a reference. It is available in Hindi and English as well and covers different topics such as current affairs, GK, interviews of different prominent personalities. It is now available online as well in the form of an app. It is available in Google play store.
- mrunal.org
This website is meant for a new aspirant who wants to give IAS exams once at least. The founder Mrunal Patel is known to make videos which explain highly complex ideas and explains them in fun ways. It is simple and can be understood effortlessly. The founder was not able to crack UPSC but puts his energy into creating a YouTube channel which helps others crack these competitive exams.
- Byju’s
It started as a learning app for school students and very steadily has risen to provide course material, digital learning lessons for different competitive exams. It started providing lessons for IAS in 2011. Their USP is providing lessons in a fun and innovative manner which can make students understand and retain the concept very nicely. It is viewed as an online IAS classroom by the aspirants.
- Mapboard Lite
This app has been developed as a study tool for IAS, UPSC and Geography students. They provide eight ready-to-edit blank maps and it helps you draw the maps and make notes while practicing. It is in an app mode and works offline as well. Offline usage is their biggest selling point.
- Ias100.in
It is an online website for the preparation of IAS exams. The unique feature of this platform is that it also offers distance learning programmes. It is available on Google play store and has a heavy number of downloads.
- IASexamportal.com
This is a very user-friendly exam preparation portal and boasts of a community size of 5.5 lakhs IAS aspirants. It helps provide the latest developments and news to the IAS aspirants and has a large rural area fan base. Now, it has also developed an android app.
With numerous websites and apps available over the internet, it is a Mecca for all the IAS aspirants who are very sincere and diligent about cracking the very tough exam and sore through their future. So, kick-start your preparation now! Good Luck!
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